Development of Wire-suspended robot for Wall Inspection
In a traditional assessment of structure of walls, workers perform close up visual survey, hammering test, and touch inspection.
For such inspections, workers use temporary scaffolding, aerial work platforms, and rope access, however this method is time-consuming and it involves the risk of falling.
Here, we propose a wire-suspended robot for a safe and costefficient wall inspection. This robot is equipped with a camera and a hammering mechanism, and performs image diagnosis of the wall surface and hammering test, which are the conventional inspection methods performed by workers.

Program which integrates captured wall images
Robot inspecting wall surface
Lateral movement
Entire wall surface image
- 植西 国央, 時岡 歓, 関 啓明, 辻 徳生, 平光 立拓, 早川 善彦, 岸本 匡治; “ワイヤ懸垂型壁面点検ロボットの開発“, 2020年度精密工学会春季大会, F57, 2020/03/18, 東京(東京農工大学).
- Kan, T., Kunio, U., Hiroaki, S., Tokuo, T.,Tatsuhiro, H., Yoshihiko, H., and Kiyoji, K., “Study on Lateral Movement
Mechanism of Wire-suspended Robot for Wall Inspection”, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering, C-3-5, 2020/11/20, Online, Oral