Papers in Japanese

  1. 田島翔,辻徳生,鈴木陽介,渡辺哲陽,諸岡健一,宮内翔子,原田研介,関啓明, “物体形状と物体軌道の統計情報を用いた動作計画”, 第24回ロボティクスシンポジア講演論文集, pp.24-25, 2019.3
  2. 松岡 寛晃, 関 啓明, “吸振支持制御を応用したエレベーターの縦振動抑制に関する研究(吸振支持システムによる残留振動抑制に関する考察)”, 設計工学, Vol.53, No.12, pp.915-926, 2018.12
  3. 藤岡 潤, 吉田 善洋, 伊勢 大成, 関 啓明, “導電性編物を用いたウェアラブルセンサによる人体動作の計測と行動識別”, Journal of Textile Engineering, Vol.64, No.1, pp.19-27, 2018.2 (日本繊維機械学会賞)
  4. 藤岡 潤, 中村 成吾, 関 啓明, “全方向形回転跳躍球形ロボットの開発と制御”, 日本機械学会論文集, Vol.82, No.833, 15-00146, 2016.1
  5. 松岡 寛晃, 滝沢 真之, 関 啓明, 神谷好承, “吸振支持制御を用いたエレベーターの縦振動抑制シミュレーション”, 計測自動制御学会産業論文集, Vol.10, No,6, pp.50-57, 2011.6
  6. 劉 吉寧, 疋津 正利, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, “繰り返し順変換による荷物の持ち上げ動作生成のシミュレーション”, 日本機械学会論文集C編, Vol.77, No.773, pp.149-157, 2011.1
  7. 関 啓明, 柴山智志, 神谷 好承, 疋津 正利, “非ホロノミック移動体の形状を考慮した実用的な障害物回避 — ポテンシャル法の長方形車体への適用 — “, 精密工学会誌, Vol.74, No.8, pp.853-858, 2008.8
  8. 藤岡 潤, 山村 良太, 西 克士, 黒田 成人, 関 啓明, “感圧導電性編物を用いた装着型デバイスに関する研究”, 日本機械学会論文集C編, Vol.73, No.726, pp.535-540, 2007.2
  9. 小林 裕介, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, 疋津 正利, 前川 満良, “車いすの動力を利用した段差解消機の開発”, 日本機械学会論文集C編, Vol.71, No.711, pp.3216-3222, 2005.11
  10. 疋津 正利, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, 吉本 智, “介護リフトのためのパワーアシスト技術の改善”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.71, No.10, pp.1250-1254, 2005.10
  11. 関 啓明, 高 正, 神谷 好承, 疋津 正利, 張 勤, “繰り返し順変換を用いた独立二輪駆動型移動ロボットにおける移動経路の生成”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.71, No.4, pp.506-511, 2005.4
  12. 小林 裕介関 啓明前川満良茶谷 豊倉橋 泰次寺田 佳世, “車いす使用者自身で駆動する手動段差解消機の開発“, 日本設備管理会誌, Vol.16, No.3, pp.89-94,
  13. 前川 満良, 橋爪 慎哉, 今井 有希子, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, “視覚障害者用の携帯型色認識装置の開発(第2報)色模様認識のための色と音のマッピング”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.70, No.8, pp.1117-1121, 2004.8
  14. 大澤 文明, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, “ロボットと道具の協調による衣類の折り畳みシステム”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.70, No.6, pp.794-799, 2004.6
  15. 大澤 文明, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, “ロボットによる洗濯物の後片付け作業 -衣類の展開と分類-“, 精密工学会誌, Vol.70, No.10, pp.1316-1321, 2004.10

  16. 前川 満良, 橋爪 慎哉, 當間 安厚, 有谷 秀明, 一二三 吉勝, 関 啓明, “視覚障害者用の携帯型色認識装置の開発”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.69, No.11, pp.1648-1653, 2003.11
  17. 疋津 正利, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, 立矢 宏, 野村 久直, “間欠運動の高速化に関する考察”, 日本機械学会論文集(C編), Vol.68, No.668, pp.1191-1197, 2002.4
  18. 張 勤, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, 神谷 好承, 野村 久直, “5軸マシニングセンタのための新しいNCコントローラの提案”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.67, No.12, pp.2005-2009, 2001.12
  19. 宋 禄波, 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, 張 勤, “多関節構造を有する機械の軌道生成に関する考察”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.67, No.12, pp.1966-1970, 2001.12
  20. 藤岡 潤, 青柳 誠司, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, “ジャイロを用いたロボットの姿勢計測に関する研究 (第2報) レーザトラッキングシステムとジャイロを併用したロボットの位置・姿勢キャリブレーション手法の提案”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.67, No.10, pp.1657-1663, 2001.10
  21. 宋 禄波, 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, 張 勤, “繰り返し順変換による多関節型ロボットの逆運動学問題の解”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.67, No.6, pp.971-975, 2001.6
  22. 酒井 史敏, 疋津 正利, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, “位置決め制御におけるオーバーシュートとその対策”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.67, No.6, pp.897-902, 2001.6
  23. 関 啓明, 坂下 英司, 神谷 好承, 疋津 正利, 野村 久直, “超音波灯台による屋内移動ロボットのナビゲーション”, 日本機械学会論文集(C編), Vol.67, No.657, pp.1282-1288, 2001.5
  24. 藤岡 潤, 青柳 誠司, 石井 一久, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, “レーザトラッキングシステムを用いたロボットのキャリブレーションに関する研究 (第2報) 多点位置決め法におけるパラメータ、測定点数、測定ポーズの選択に関する検討”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.67, No.4, pp.676-682, 2001.4
  25. 酒井 史敏, 疋津 正利, 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, “剛性が不足した機構部を含む系の精密位置決め”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.66, No.9, pp.1461-1466, 2000.9
  26. 張 勤, 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, 野村 久直, “ステップモータによる力制御の実現とロボットフィンガへの応用”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.66, No.9, pp.1411-1416, 2000.9
  27. 酒井 史敏, 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, “サーボ増幅器により駆動されるモータが持つ非線形動特性の解析”, 日本機械学会論文集(C編), Vol.66, No.647, pp.189-195, 2000.7
  28. 酒井 史敏, 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, “DCサーボモータの動特性に関する考察 — サーボ増幅器内の回路定数の推定 –“, 精密工学会誌, Vol.66, No.2, pp.266-271, 2000.2
  29. 張 勤, 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, 野村 久直, “多軸制御用の新しいNCコントローラの提案”, 日本機械学会論文集(C編), Vol.65, No.640, pp.309-314, 1999.12
  30. 青柳 誠司, 藤岡 潤, 石井 一久, 関 啓明, 神谷 好承, “レーザトラッキングシステムを用いたロボットのキャリブレーションに関する研究 (第1報) ロボットの絶対位置決め精度の検証と対偶軸同定法の問題点の指摘”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.65, No.7, pp.1035-1040, 1999.7
  31. 張 勤, 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, “NC制御とセンサフィードバックとの融合 – ステップモータ駆動における振動負荷系の制御 -“, 精密工学会誌, Vol.65, No.4, pp.559-564, 1999.4
  32. 神谷 好承, 関 啓明, 疋津 正利, 酒井 史敏, “DCサーボモータの動特性に関する考察”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.65, No.3, pp.464-468, 1999.3
  33. 関 啓明, 坂下 英司, 神谷 好承, 岡部 佐規一, 高野 政晴, 佐々木 健, “屋内移動ロボット用の超音波灯台を用いた位置検出システムの開発”, 先端加工学会誌, Vol.17, No.1, pp.53-59, 1998.9
  34. 関 啓明, 佐々木 健, 高野 政晴, “ニューラルネットワークによるロボットの作業対象物の運動拘束認識”, 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.16, No.2, pp.265-273, 1998.3
  35. 高野 政晴, 吉見 隆洋, 佐々木, 健 関 啓明, “RECSコンセプトに基づく屋内移動ロボットシステムの開発”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.62, No.6, pp.815-819, 1996.6
  36. 高野 政晴, 永島 利朗, 関 啓明, “指の腹による物体の把握と操りの運動学”, 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.14, No.1, pp.83-90, 1996.1

Papers in English

  1. K. Tabata, H. Seki, T. Tsuji, T. Hiramitsu, M. Hikizu, “Dynamic manipulation of unknown string by robot arm: realizing momentary string shapes”, Robomech Journal, Vol.7, No.39, DOI 10.1186/s40648-020-00187-w, 2020.11
  2. H. Seki, S. Nakayama, K. Uenishi, T. Tsuji, M. Hikizu, Y. Makino, A. Kakiuchi, Y. Kanda, “Development of assistive robotic arm for power line maintenance”, Precision Engineering, Vol.67, pp.69-76, 2021.1
  3. T. Hayashi, H. Seki, T. Tsuji, M. Hikizu, “Smart Hydraulic System for Driving Robot Arm”, 精密工学会誌, Vol.85, No.10, pp.904-911, 2019.10
  4. Y. C. Hou, K. S. M. Sahari, L. Y. Weng, D. N. T. How, H. Seki, “Particle-based perception of garment folding for robotic manipulation purposes”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol.14, No.6, pp.1-14, 2017.11
  5. M. Hikizu, S. Mikami, H. Seki, “RECOGNITION OF THE STACKED OBJECTS FOR BIN PICKING”, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Vol.9, No.3, pp.1177-1188, 2016.9
  6. M. Hikizu, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, “Effects and Application of Current Feedback in Servo System with Current Limiter”, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.11, No.1, pp.104-111, 2017.1
  7. M. Hikizu, S. Mikami, H. Seki, “Motion Planning System for Bin Picking Using 3-D Point Cloud”, Journal of Intelligent Control and Automation, Vol.7, No.3, pp.73-83, 2016.7
  8. X. Zhang, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, “Detection of Human Position and Motion by Thermopile Infrared Sensor”, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.9, No.5, pp.580-587, 2015.9
  9. K. Kato, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, “3-D Obstacle Detection Using Laser Range Finder with Polygonal Mirror for Powered Wheelchair”, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.9, No.4, pp.373-380, 2015.7
  10. Y. W. Leong, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Triboacoustic Localization for Mobile Device: Improving Accuracy & Noise Clustering”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.27, No.2, pp.200-207, 2015.4
  11. Y. W. Leong, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “TRIBOACOUSTIC LOCALIZATION SYSTEM FOR MOBILE DEVICE – ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS TO ACCURACY -“, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Vol.7, No.2, pp.658-673, 2014.6
  12. H. Seki, H. Amakata, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Development of Hydraulic Drive Drilling Robot with 4-DOF Tool for In-Pipe Repair — Mechanical Design of New Tool –“, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.6, No.2, pp.221-227, 2012.3
  13. H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Planar Manipulator with Mechanically Adjustable Joint Compliance”, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.6, No.1, pp.46-52, 2012.1
  14. K. Salleh, H. Seki, “Edge Tracing of T-Shirt by Robot for Spreading Purposes”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols.157-158, pp.1190-1194, 2012.2
  15. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Passive Edge Tracing of Deformable Object by Robot”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.23, No.3, pp.458-461, 2011.6
  16. J. Liu, Y. Kamiya, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, “Weightlifting Motion Generation for a Stance Robot with Repeatedly Direct Kinematics”, Journal of Intellignet Control and Automation, 1, pp.20-27, 2010.8
  17. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Real-time Path Planning Tracing of Deformable Object by Robot”, International Journal of Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Vol.3, No.3, pp.521-535, 2010.9
  18. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Edge Tracing Manipulation of Clothes Based on Different Gripper Types”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol.6, No.8, pp.872-879, 2010.6
  19. X. Han, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Wearable Handwriting Input Device Using Magnetic Field — 2nd Report: Influence of Misalignment of Magnet and Writing Plane –“, Precision Engineering, Vol.34, No.3, pp.425-430, 2010.7
  20. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Clothes Manipulation by Robot Grippers with Roller Fingertips”, Advanced Robotics, Vol.24, No.1-2, pp.139-158, 2010.2
  21. J. Tian, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, “A New Method of Generating Pulse Sequence for Numerical Controllers — with Velocity and Acceleration Bounds Adapting to the Servomotor System”, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol.3, No.3, pp.269-276, 2009.10
  22. J. Tian, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, “A New Algorithm of Generating Command Pulses for Numerical Controllers”, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol.2, No.5, pp.271-276, 2009.9
  23. X. Han, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Wearable Handwriting Input Device Using Magnetic Field — Geomagnetism Cancellation in Position Calculation –“, Precision Engineering, Vol.33, No.1, pp.37-43, 2009.1
  24. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Inchworm Robot Grippers for Clothes Manipulation”, Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.12, No.1, pp.142-147, 2008.3
  25. F. Osawa, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, “Unfolding of Massive Laundry and Classification Types by Dual Manipulator”, Journal of Advaced Compulational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.11, No.5, pp.457-463, 2007.6
  26. P. Serikitkankul, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, “Study on effects of negative driving torque in servomotor drivers”, Precision Engineering, Vol.31, No.3, pp.202-209, 2008.7
  27. P. Serikitkankul, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, “Current Limiter Complicates the Dynamic characteristics of Servo Motor”, Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era, pp.329-332, 2007
  28. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Spreading of Clothes by Robot Arms Using Tracing Method”, Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era, pp.77-80, 2007
  29. Y. Kobayashi, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, M. Maekawa, Y. Chaya, Y. Kurahashi, “Development of A Non-powered Lift for Wheelchair Users – Mechanism to Transmit Rotation of Wheels by Many Rollers -“, Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era, pp.47-52, 2007
  30. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Tracing Manipulation in Clothes Spreading by Robot Arms”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.18, No.5, pp.564-571, 2006.10
  31. F. Osawa, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, “Clothes Folding Task by Tool-Using Robot”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.18, No.5, pp.618-625, 2006.10
  32. Y. Kobayashi, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, M. Maekawa, “Development of Nonpowered Lift for Wheelchair Users”, JSME International Journal (Series C), Vol.49, No.3, pp.821-827, 2006.3
  33. P. Serikitkankul, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, “Adaptive Near Time-Optimal Seek Control of a Disk Actuator”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.41, No.10, pp.2869-2871, 2005.10
  34. M. Maekawa, S. Hashizume, Y. Touma, Y. Imai, H. Seki, Y. Hifumi, “Development of Portable Color Discrimination System for Visually Impaired and Color Blind”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.16, No.5, pp.535-544, 2004.10
  35. H. Seki, T. Yamashita, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, H. Sakashita “Mobile Robot Localization by Reflective Marks on Ceiling”, European Journal of Automated Systems, Vol.36, pp.1235-1248, 2002.9
  36. H. Seki, T. Takatsu, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, M. Maekawa, “A Powered Wheelchair Controlled by EMG Signals from Neck Muscles”, Human Friendly Mechatronics (Selected Papers of the International Conference on Machine Automation), pp.87-92, 2001.6
  37. C. Mrad, S. Okabe, Y. Kamiya, H. Seki, “Vibration Control of Mobile Robot Vechicle by Dynamic Vibration Absorber”, JSME International Journal, Series C, Vol.42, No.1, pp.62-70, 1999.3
  38. Toshiro Nagashima, Hiroaki Seki and Masaharu Takano, “Analysis and Simulation of Grasping/Manipulation by Multi-Fingersurface”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol.32, No.2, pp.175-191, 1997.2
  39. Hiroaki Seki, Ken Sasaki and Masaharu Takano, “Search Motion of a Robot for Detecting Mechanically Constrained Objects”, International Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.26, No.1, pp.76-77, 1992.3


  1. T. Tugeumwolachot, H. Seki, T. Tsuji, T. Hiramitsu, “Development of a Compact In-Pipe Robot with Multi-DOF Drilling Tool”, Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics,, GS15-5, 2021.1.
  2. K. Tabata, H. Seki, T. Tsuji, T. Hiramitsu, M. Hikizu, “Robot Arm Manipulation for Periodic Motion of Unknown Rope”, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering, C-3-4, 2020.11. 
  3. K. Tokioka, K. Uenishi, H. Seki, T. Tsuji, T. Hiramitsu, Y. Hayakawa, K. Kishimoto, “Study on Lateral Movement Mechanism of Wire-suspended Robot for Wall Inspection”, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering, C-3-5, 2020.11.
  4. Y. W. Leong, H. Seki, A. Anuar, C. Nadarajan, M. Hanifah, M. Fairuz, O. H. See, K. Salleh, “Initial Study of Low Cost Crepitus Joint Degradation Finding Using Acoustic Localization,” 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/JCSSE49651.2020.9268433, 2020.
  5. T. Hayashi, H. Seki, T. Tsuji, M. Hikizu, “Smart Hydraulic System for Robot Arm”, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Precision Engineering, USB:C-3-4, 2018.11 (Best Paper Award)
  6. T. Tsuji, Hidetoshi. Seki, D. Inada, K. Morooka, K. Harada, K. Tahara, M. Hikizu, Hiroaki Seki, “Grasp Synergy Analysis Based on Contact Area of Fingers Using Thermal Signatures”, 2018 Annual Conference of SICE, pp.1386-1392, 2018.9
  7. Y. Furuta, T. Tsuji, Y. Suzuki, T. Watanabe, M. Hikizu, H. Seki, “Adaptive Gripper with Soft Sheet for Uniformly Distributed Grasping Force”, Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, pp.373-378, 2017.12
  8. Y. W. Leong, A.W.B.M. Zuhdi, H. Seki, K.S.B.M. Sahari, N.T.B. Razali, “Feasibility of proposed simplified circuit in utilizing LED for both lighting ans sensing”, Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications, pp.263-26, 2017.9
  9. X. Zhang, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Detection of Human Position and Motion by Tilted Thermopile Infrared Sensors from Ceiling”, Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2016, pp.274-279, 2016.1
  10. H. Seki, T. Eto, M. Hikizu, “Position Recording System on Wide Structural Surface Using Ultrasonic Beacons”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Science and Engineering, pp.432-436, 2015.12
  11. Y. W. Leong, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Verification of finger contact area on paper”, Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2015, pp.276-281, 2015.1 (Young Author Award)
  12. T. Abe, Y. Kamiya, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Q. Zhang, “Designing control system of hybrid system”, Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, pp.14-20, 2014.8
  13. Y. Horibe, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Automation of cutting for block of piled gold leaves and papers”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Precision Engineering, pp.806-811, 2014.7
  14. K. Kato, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “3D obstacle detection using 2D laser range sensor for powered wheelchair”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Precision Engineering, pp.798-803, 2014.7
  15. X. Zhang, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Detection of Human Position by Thermopile Infrared Sensors”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Precision Engineering, pp.436-441, 2014.7
  16. Y. W. Leong, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “A feasibility study of utilizing tribo-acoustics for mobile user interface”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sensing Technology, pp.800-805, 2013.12
  17. M.Izumi, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Automatic Hook Crane with Robotic Arm”, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, pp.789-794, 2011.12
  18. H. Seki, T. Fukumura, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Development of Position Recording System on Structural Surface Using Laser Pointer”, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp.2562-2567, 2011.11
  19. H. Seki, S. Esaka, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Stable Power Assist System for Patient Lift”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, CDROM, 2008.11 (Best Paper Award)
  20. J. Tian, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, Q. Zhang, “A New Method of Generating Pulse Sequence for Numerical Controller — with velocity and acceleration bounds adapting to servomotor system”, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, CDROM, 2009.8
  21. J. Liu, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Motion Simulation for a Stance Robot by Repeatedly Direct Kinematics”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Machine and Automation, pp.107-112, 2008.9
  22. H. Seki, S. Shibayama, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Practical Obstacle Avoidance Using Potential Field for a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot with Rectangular Body”, Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, pp.326-332, 2008.9
  23. X. Han, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Wearable Handwriting Input Device Using Magnetic Field”, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2007, pp.365-368, 2007.9
  24. J. Tian, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, Q. Zhang, “A New Numerical Controller for Servo System”, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, pp.3761-3766, 2007.8
  25. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Clothes Manipulation by Inchworm Robo Grippers”, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2007, pp.344-347, 2007.1
  26. P. Serikitkankul, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, “The Effects of Controller Saturation on Dynamic Characteristics of Commercial Positioning Systems and Their Countermeasures”, Proceedings of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.880-883, 2006.10
  27. P. Serikitkankul, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, “The Effects of Negative Driving Torque in Servomotor Drivers”, Proceedings of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.876-879, 2006.10
  28. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Tracing Manipulation of Deformable Objects using Robot Grippers with Roller Fingertips”, Proceedings of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.5882-5887, 2006.10
  29. H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “SCARA Type Robot Arm with Mechanically Adjustable Compliant Joints”, Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, CDROM, 2006.9
  30. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Tracing Manipulation by Robot Grippers Equipped with Gear Tips (2nd report)”, Proceedings of International Conference on Man-Machine Systems, CDROM, 2006.9
  31. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Tracing Manipulation by Robot Grippers Equipped with Gear Tips”, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation & Mechatronics, pp.278-283, 2006.6
  32. H. Seki, Y. Kobayashi, X. Han, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, M. Maekawa, “Handwriting Input Device Using Magnetic Field for Wearable Computing”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, CDROM, 2005.12
  33. Z. Gao, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Trajectory Generation of Wheeled Mobile Robot by Repeatedly Direct Kinematics”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Automation, pp.107-112, 2004.11
  34. K. Salleh, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, “Spreading of Clothes by Robot Arms Using Tracing Method”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Automation, pp.63-68, 2004.11
  35. Y. Kobayashi, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, M. Maekawa, Y. Chaya, Y. Kurahashi, “Development of A Non-powered Lift for Wheelchair Users – Mechanism to Transmit Rotation of Wheels by Many Rollers -“, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Automation, pp.183-188, 2004.11
  36. P. Serikitkanlul, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, “Current Limiter Complicates the Dynamic Characteristics of Servo Motor”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Automation, pp.495-488, 2004.11
  37. F. Osawa, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, “Laundering Tasks Performed by a Robot – Spreading out and Sorting of the Clothes -“, Proceedings of the 2004 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, JS017(CDROM), 2004.7
  38. Q. Zhang, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, Y. Kamiya, I. Taga, “Development of NC Controller for 5-Axis Control Machining Center”, Proceedings of the 3rd China-Japan Symposium on Mechatronics, pp.333-337, 2002.9
  39. H. Seki, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, M. Maekawa, “Development of A Non-powered Lift for Wheelchair Users”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Machine Automation, pp.275-282, 2002.9
  40. L. Song, H. Shibata, Y. Kamiya, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, “A Genetic Approach to Trajectory Generation of a Stance Robot in Standing Movements”, Proceedings of the 5th Franco-Japanese & 3rd European-Asian Congress on Mechatronics, pp.107-112, 2001.10
  41. H. Seki, T. Yamashita, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, H. Sakashita, “Positioning System for Indoor Mobile Robots Using Reflective Marks and a Fisheye Camera with Infrared LEDs”, Proceedings of the 5th Franco-Japanese & 3rd European-Asian Congress on Mechatronics, pp.142-147, 2001.10
  42. H. Seki, T. Takatsu, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, M. Maekawa, “A Powered Wheelchair Controlled by EMG Signals from Neck Muscles”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Automation, pp.433-438, 2000.9
  43. Q. Zhang, Y. Kamiya, H. Seki, M. Hikizu, “Development of Robotic Fingers Driven by Stepping Motor and Its Application in Transferring An Object from Robot’s Hand to Human Hand”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Automation, pp.39-44, 2000.9
  44. H. Seki, A. Takada, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, H. Nomura, “Development of A Robot Joint Mechanism with Variable Compliance by Rotating A Leaf Spring”, Proceedings of the 2000 Japan-USA Flexible Automation Conference, 13019(6pagesXS) (CDROM) 2000.7
  45. H. Seki, S. Kobayashi, Y. Kamiya, M. Hikizu, H. Nomura, “Autonomous / Semi-autonomous Navigation System of a Wheelchair by Active Ultrasonic Beacons”, Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conferece on Robotics and Automation, pp.1366-1371, 2000.4
  46. J. Fujioka, S. Aoyagi, H. Seki, Y. Kamiya, “Study on Robot Calibration Using a Laser Tracking System According to Joint Axis Estimation”, Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Robotics, pp.535-542, 1999.10
  47. C. Mrad, Y. Kamiya, H. Seki, “Vibration Control of the End-Effectors of Mobile Rotational Joints”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Robotics pp.403-408, 1999.10
  48. Hiroaki Seki, Hideshi Sakashita, Yoshitsugu Kamiya and Masatoshi Hikizu, “Navigation of an Indoor Mobile Robot by Active Ultrasonic Beacons”, Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Vol.2, pp.1091-1095 1998.12
  49. C. Mrad, S. Okabe, Y. Kamiya, H. Seki, “Vibration Control of Mobile Robot Vechicle by Dynamic Vibration Absorber”, Proceedings of the forth ECPD International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Active Systems, pp.205-210, 1998.8
  50. Hiroaki Seki, Yasuo Tanaka, Masaharu Takano and Ken Sasaki, “Positioning System for Indoor Mobile Robot Using Active Ultrasonic Beacons”, Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Vol.2, pp.681-686, 1998.3
  51. Hiroaki Seki, Atsushi Omoi and Masaharu Takano, “Task of Opening and Passing through a Door by a Mobile Manipulator Based on RECS Concept”, Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Components for Vehicles, pp.285-290, 1998.3
  52. Masaharu Takano, Takahiro Yoshimi, Ken Sasaki and Hiroaki Seki, “Development of Indoor Movile Robot System Based on RECS Concept”, Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Vol.2, pp.868-872, 1996.12
  53. Hideki Takahashi, Masaharu Takano, Ken Sasaki and Hiroaki Seki, “Grasping/Manipulation of an Object with Any Shape by Multi-Fingersurfaces”, Proceedings of the Second ECPD International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Active Systems, pp.498-503, 1996.9
  54. Muneyuki Iwata, Ken Sasaki, Hiroaki Seki and Masaharu Takano, “Generation of Robot’s Motion Based on Task Knowledge and Physical Law”, Proceedings of the Japan USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, pp.33-36, 1996.7
  55. Hiroshi Takao, Hiroaki Seki and Masaharu Takano, “Analysis and Simulation of Grasping/Manipulation Dynamics by Multi-Fingersurfaces”, Proceedings of the IFToMM Ninth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pp.2272-2276, 1995.9
  56. Hiroaki Seki, Ken Sasaki and Masaharu Takano, “Detection of Kinematic Constraint from Search Motion of a Robot Using Link Weights of a Neural Network”, Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE/RSJ Internatioanl Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol.3, pp.498-503, 1995.8
  57. Toshiro Nagashima, Hiroaki Seki and Masaharu Takano, “Analysis and Simulation of Grasping/Manipulation by Multi-Fingersurface”, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automation Robotics and Computer Vision, Vol.2, pp.962-966, 1994.11


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  6. 関 啓明, 山口 安昭, 李 倍, “障害物監視システム及びプログラム”, 特願2014-038963(2014.2.28), 登録6368503号(2018.7.13)
  7. 関 啓明, 山口 安昭, 李 倍, 村井 祐貴, “荷振れ検出装置、確認装置及び荷振れ検出方法”, 特願2014-039418(2014.2.28), 登録6427324号(2018.11.2)
  8. 関 啓明, 山口 安昭, 李 倍, 片山 敬一, “シート掛け装置”, 特願2016-030366(2016.2.19)
  9. 関 啓明,中山 翔太,辻 一宏,池田 憲治,垣内 聡, “アーム装置”, 特願2016-168125(2016.8.30), 登録6330181号(2018.5.11)
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  11. 関 啓明, 山口 安昭, 李 倍, “重心検出装置及び重心検出方法”, 特願2019-111526(2019.6.14), 登録6646268号(2020.1.15)
  12. 関啓明, 勝部慎太郎,宮西太一郎,辻徳生,中野拓哉,平岩秀幸, “作業車両の重心位置を推定するためのシステム、方法、及び作業者車両”, 特願2020-34166(2020.2.28)

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