金沢大学 ロボティクスメカトロニクス研究室へようこそ!
私たちは,さまざまなロボットおよびメカトロニクスシステムと自動化に広く関心を持ち,たとえ ニッチで小さな領域でも,長期的な視野で有用な機械やスマートシステムを研究・開発しています.
当研究室は,学生の自主性を尊重した研究活動を行っています.卒研配属前(1~3 年生)からの研究活動も歓迎します.ロボットやメカトロ二クスの研究に興味ある方は,学年関係なく気軽に Contact までご連絡ください.

Ozeki presented his research “antei ni dansa ya kaidan wo syoukoudekiru unpan robot -robot no shisaku-” at The Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch Lecture Meeting and received the best presentation award.
Assoc. Prof. Tsuji’s group, JAKS participated in the ICRA2024 and received the second place(RGMC).
Tatsuhiro Hiramitsu, Yuuki Miyake, Hiroaki Seki, and Tokuo Tsuji presented their research “Drive Characteristics of Air-Cylinder-Type Artificial Muscle in Annular Bending” on the International Journal of Automation Technology(IJAT).
Otsu presented his research “Generation of 3D composite images of food for machine learning ” at The 24th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) (SI2023) and received the SI division’s Outstanding Lecture Award.
Yoshida presented his research “Automation of transferring gold leaf using electrostatic adsorption -Fundamental study-” at The Japan Society for Precision Engineering Spring Conference 2023 and received The best presentation award.
Uozumi presented his research “Fundamental study of a camera arm for checking around cargo on a forklift” at The Japan Society for Precision Engineering Fall Conference 2022 and received The best presentation award.
Katsube presented his research “Estimating Center of Gravity of Forklift by Moment at Mast in Operation” and received JSPE Young Researcher Award.
Tabata presented his research “Dynamic manipulation of unknown string by robot arm: realizing momentary string shapes” with Hiroaki Seki, Tokuo Tsuji, Tatsuhiro Hiramitsu and Masatoshi Hikizu at ROBOMECH Journal and received Certificate of Merit for ROBOMECH Journal Best Paper
Saito presented his research “Development of layer-Jamming grippers by knitting structures” at The Japan Society for Precision Engineering Spring Conference 2022 and received The best presentation award.
Tabata presented his research ”Casting Manipulation of Unknown String by Robot Arm” at IROS2021
Assoc. Prof. Tsuji’s group participated in the World robot summit (WRS) and received the Robotics Society of Japan Award.
Yamabe received the president’s award, Sawamoto received Eiji Mutoh Excellent Student Award, and Tabata received Miura award.
Thaelasutt Tugeumwolachot presented his research “Development of a Compact In-Pipe Robot with Multi-DOF Drilling Tool” at AROB2021 and received the Young Author Award.
Tajima presented his research “Peg-in-hole operation robust to position error by peg rotation using passive wrist joint” and received the Young Outstanding Presentation Fellow Award.