Detection System of the Center of Gravity
for Load on the Forklift
Forklifts transport luggage whose load and center of gravity (COG) are unknown. So it is difficult for the driver to judge the danger. Therefore, we aim to visualize the dangerous state by constantly estimating the load of the luggage and the position of the COG. In this study, we propose a method to estimate the COG from the relationship between the moment generated in the mast during operation and the acceleration. Furthermore, we experiments to estimate the COG in various motion states in the experimental device and actual machine.

Study approach
We experiment of detection COG in ideal state using an experimental device that simulated the mast part. In addition, we conduct experiments in actual driving with real forklift.
1. 勝部慎太郎,関啓明,辻徳生,平光立拓,平岩秀幸,中野拓哉,フォークリフトのフォーク根本の歪による荷物重心位置推定,精密工学会2019年度秋季大会,oral
2. 勝部慎太郎,関啓明,辻徳生,平光立拓,平岩秀幸,中野拓哉,フォークリフト動作時のマスト部に生じるモーメントによる荷物の3次元重心位置推定,精密工学会2020年度春季大会,oral